
The Kerala Museum’s Young Advisors for the Museum (YAM) is a group of young adults who will help shape the future of the museum through their diverse perspectives and voices. By working together, members of YAM will use the museum spaces to connect and make museum exhibits more relevant to the youth.

The YAM will act as ambassadors of the museum, providing and exchanging information between the museum and the young adults of the population. Members will cooperate and collaborate to give the museum viable suggestions to change conceptions of the museum and heritage sector and represent the museum in the community.

Being in the YAM not only helps the museum in telling stories and creating interactions that are meaningful to the youth, it also awards the members with improved critical thinking skills, exposure, wider networks, cultural enrichment, and experience.


The YAM will be a body the museum will consult with to get viable suggestions for tailoring the museum experience to the interests and recreations of the young adults and children of the city.

Members will have to hold and attend meetings, help plan events and represent the museum in the community. They will essentially be ambassadors for the museum.

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hearing from you

    Museum Product Design Intern
    Fashion Textile Intern
    Exhibition Intern
    Documentation Lead – Position Filled
    Program coordinator – Position Filled
    Digital Content Creator – Position Filled

    Museum Product Design Intern
    Fashion Textile Intern
    Exhibition Intern
    Documentation Lead – Position Filled
    Program coordinator – Position Filled
    Digital Content Creator – Position Filled

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