Vision, Values & Approach

Art is a medium that helps us in understanding the world around us. It allows us to expand our perspective so that we gain a deeper and more plural understanding of the past and the present. Art fosters empathy and emotional intelligence, creating a space for us to imagine an harmonious and interconnected future together.

The KMCC provides an environment that nurtures creativity, technical skill, and critical thinking in its students.

By encouraging artistic talent and innovative expression, we aim to cultivate the next generation of visionary artists who will contribute meaningfully to the global arts community.

The Kerala Museum is committed to harnessing the potential of “museums as agents of social change,” promoting tolerance, respect, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as central to its policies and practices, outreach programs, collections and exhibitions.

Our philosophy for teaching art is transdisciplinary, hands-on and interactive, focusing on holistic development of each student while supporting peer-to-peer learning for collective growth. Expert instructors guide students on their transformative journey, at the end of which they put on an exhibition of artwork.

Contact the Kerala Museum office 8129051881 for individual course descriptions.

NAYAR Foundation

The Madhavan Nayar Foundation is a non-governmental Public Charitable Trust established in 1984. The Foundation’s focus is arts and culture education and its activities are governed by the Board of Trustees of MNF, comprising experts in the field of museums, arts, history, urban design, architecture, developmental studies, environment, ecological conservation and business.

The Pioneer- R Madhavan Nayar

A visionary, a mentor and a devoted patron of the arts: R. Madhavan Nayar possessed riveting qualities that made him a unique figure, weaving a variety of interests in his life together with a vision for the city of Kochi. Unique traits of his persona like empathy, philanthropy, a spirit of curiosity and enterprise led him to create centres of learning, interaction, and healing in the attempt to give back to society. From the dream to build a museum, to the world’s top-ranked centre for epilepsy care, he gave back to society in more ways than one.

R Madhavan Nayar
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