Kerala Museum – Privacy Policy (w.e.f Apr 1, 2021)

The Kerala Museum is committed to protecting your privacy and security.

This privacy policy explains how and why we use your personal data and is intended to help ensure that you remain informed and in control of your information.

  1. About us

    The Kerala Museum is located at the heart of Kochi city in Kerala. Managed by the Madhavan Nayar Foundation, its core objective is to provide interactive, engaging and experiential arts-based learning that places the understanding of the individual within the larger context of community and history.

    It is a vibrant beacon of the arts, powered by in-house curation and collaborations with NGOs working across a spectrum of social issues. Through its programs, it aims to actualize the potential of the “Museum as an instrument of social change” thereby impacting critical thinking, tolerance towards the world around us and better citizenship.

    With a 37 year-long track record as a non-governmental initiative providing authentic learning experiences in history, fine arts and performing arts, the Museum has hosted over half a million visitors and ignited the minds of school children from over 5000 schools from all over India.

  2. Personal Data

    We collect ‘personal data, which is information that identifies a living person, or which can be identified as relating to a living person.

    When we talk about ‘you’ or ‘you’re’ in this policy we mean any living person whose personal data we collect.

    When we talk about ‘Members’ and ‘Membership’ we’re referring to subscribing Members of the various Kerala Museum Membership Programmes: Friends of Kerala Museum, Kerala Museum Donor and Kerala Museum Patron. When we talk of ‘Friends’ we refer to people who are members of the Friends of Kerala Museum scheme, when we talk of ‘Donor’ we refer to person’s who have subscribed to the Kerala Museum Donor scheme and when we talk of ‘Patron’ we refer to person’s who have to subscribe to the Kerala Museum Patron scheme.

  3. Personal Data we hold

    We hold the following categories of personal data:

    3.1. Personal data you provide

    We collect the data you provide to us. This includes information you give when you communicate with us, apply for Membership, purchase tickets, products or services, sign up to receive communications from us, make a donation, apply for employment, volunteer or enter into a contract with us. For example, we may hold:

    • personal details (name, gender, date of birth, email, address, telephone etc.)

    • family and spouse/partner or next of kin details

    • financial information (such as credit/debit card or direct debit details, and whether your donations are gift-aided)

    • your response to a special Kerala Museum event or your intention to meet a member of our staff

    • details of the ways in which you wish to be contacted by us

    If you purchase Museum Membership as a gift for someone, join as a family or if you’re the parent or guardian of one of our Young Friends, your details will be recorded (as will the recipient’s) and your relationship to that person will be recorded.

    3.2. Personal data generated by your involvement with the Museum

    Your activities and involvement with the Museum will result in personal data being generated. This could include:

    • details of your areas of interest in the Museum’s collection

    • your visits to our study rooms and libraries

    • your attendance at special events

    • where you have asked us for information or written to us

    • your visits to our websites

    • images of you captured by our CCTV systems

    • your use of our public wifi and our audio guides

    • your purchasing history

    • how you have helped us by volunteering or by donating money or objects to us

    • where you have applied for a job with us

    3.3. Personal data from third parties

    We sometimes receive personal data about you from third parties, for example, if we’re partnering with another organisation or where we may use third parties to help us conduct research and analysis about you to determine the success of our public offer and to help us provide you with a better experience (and this can result in new personal data being created).

    We may collect information from social media about you, or if you post on any of our social media pages.

    Occasionally, we may collect personal data about you (for example if you’re particularly well known or influential) from the media and other publicly available sources. This may come from public databases, news or other media. The sort of information we obtain from these sources might include details of other charities you may support and indicators of your leisure interests and financial statuses such as house value or Pincode.

    3.4. Special category (‘sensitive’) personal data

    We don’t normally collect or store special categories of personal data. However, there are some situations where we may need to do so. These may include, for example, if you work or volunteer with us or apply to do so, or if we need to know about any access, medical or dietary requirements you, or someone in your care, may have.

  4. How we use your personal data

    4.1. General use

    We only ever use your personal data with your consent, or where it’s necessary in order to:

    • enter into, or perform, a contract with you

    • comply with a legal duty

    • protect your vital interests

    • carry out a task in the public interest

    • for our own (or for a third party’s) legitimate interests, provided your rights don’t override these interests

    In any event, we’ll only use your personal data for the purpose or purposes for which it was obtained.

    4.2. Marketing

    We use your personal data to communicate with you in order to promote our activities and events and to help with fundraising. This includes keeping you up to date with our exhibitions, events and products in our shops, and sending you general information about fundraising, Membership and other ways you may be able to support us or benefit from the Kerala Museum.

    4.3. Administration

    We use your personal data for administrative purposes including:

    • receiving donations (for example, Direct Debits or Gift  instructions)

    • maintaining databases of our members and other supporters

    • processing Membership subscriptions

    • performing our obligations under Membership contracts and other supporters’ agreements

    • managing custody of our collection including our intellectual property rights

    • carrying out due diligence to meet our compliance duties (for example, before making any acquisition into our collections, accepting financial support or making agreements for the supply of goods and services)

    • processing enquiries and requests for information

    • managing feedback, comments and complaints we receive

    • fulfilling orders for tickets, goods or services (whether placed online, over the phone or in-person)

    • helping us respect your choices and preferences

    • recruitment and staff management including pay, tax and pensions administration

    • management of suppliers of goods and services

    • managing your visit to the Kerala Museum (for example, health and safety, security, lost property, cloakroom and incident management)

    4.4. Internal research and profiling

    We carry out research and analysis on our visitors, Members and other supporters to determine the success of our public offer and programmes and other activities in the public interest and to help us provide you with a better experience (for example so that you only receive communications about areas of our activities or research you’re most likely to be interested in).

    We may evaluate, categorise and profile your personal data in order to tailor materials, services and communications (including targeted advertising) to your needs and your preferences and to help us to understand our audiences. For example, we may keep track of the amount, frequency and value of your support including your philanthropic involvement elsewhere. This information helps us to ensure communications are relevant, timely and in the best interest of our charitable purposes.

  5. Disclosing or Sharing your Personal Data

    We’ll never sell your personal data.

    If you’ve opted-in to marketing, we may contact you with information about our selected partners. These communications will always come from us and will usually be incorporated into our own marketing.

    We may share your personal data with contractors or suppliers who provide us with services. For example, we may use a mailing house for the distribution of the Kerala Museum Newsletter; we use Razor pay processors for the handling of payments and email providers for our marketing communications. Information is transferred to data processors securely, and we retain full responsibility for your personal data as the data controller. These activities are carried out under a contract which imposes strict requirements on our suppliers to keep your personal data confidential and secure.

    We may share your personal data where required to do so for prevention of crime or for taxation purposes (for example, with the police, IT Dept.) or where otherwise required to do so by other regulators or by law (e.g., the Charity Commission, etc.)

  6. Fundraising and Marketing Communication

    6.1. Consent

    Unless you’ve already given us your email address or telephone number so that we can tell you about making donations to us or about the supply of goods and services, we must ask you to ‘opt-in’ to receive fundraising and marketing emails from us. You have the choice as to whether you want to receive or continue to receive these messages. You’re also able to select how you want to receive them (post, phone, email, text) and to change your preferences at any time.

    When you receive a communication from us, we may collect information about your response and this may affect how we communicate with you in future.

    6.2. Newsletters

    If you’re a Member or a Patron, we’ll send you the Kerala Museum Newsletter (unless you specifically ask us not to) and you can choose to unsubscribe from general marketing communications to Members without cancelling your subscription to the Kerala Museum Newsletters.

  7. Children and Young People

    We take great care to protect and respect the rights of individuals in relation to their personal data, especially in the case of those aged 13 or younger.

    We won’t use the personal data of children or young people for marketing purposes and we won’t profile it.

    Personal data about children and young people is only accessible by our staff on a strictly need-to-know basis.

  8. Data Security

    8.1. Protection

    We employ a variety of physical and technical measures to protect the information we hold and to prevent unauthorised access to or use or disclosure of your personal data.

    Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to information (using both physical and electronic means). Staff receive data protection training and we maintain a set of data protection procedures that our staff are required to follow when handling personal data.

    8.2. Payment security

    All electronic forms that ask you for your financial data will use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt the data between your browser and our servers.

    If you use a payment card to donate, to buy a Membership or to purchase something from us online, we will pass your payment card details securely to our payment provider. We comply with the payment card industry data security standard (PCI-DSS) published by the PCI Security Standards Council.

  9. Control your personal data

    9.1. Your rights

    We want to ensure you remain in control of your personal data and that you understand your legal rights, which are:

    • the right to know whether we hold your personal data and, if we do so, to be sent a copy of the personal data that we hold about you (a ‘subject access request’) within one month

    • the right to have your personal data erased (though this will not apply where it’s necessary for us to continue to use the data for a lawful reason)

    • the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified

    • the right to object to your personal data being used for marketing or profiling

    • (Where technically feasible) the right to be given a copy of personal data that you have provided to us (and which we process automatically on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract) in a common electronic format for your re-use

    • there are some exceptions to the rights above and, although we will always try to respond to any instructions you may give us about our handling of your personal information, there may be situations where we are unable to meet your requirements in full.

    • if you’d like further information on your rights or wish to exercise them, please contact us at

    • should you wish to make a subject access request, we can provide you with a template form that includes guidance on how to do this. Please contact us for a copy of the template for a subject access request.

    9.2. Complaints

    Should you have a complaint about how we have used (‘processed’) your personal data, you can complain to us directly by contacting us at in the first instance.

  10. Changes in this Privacy Policy

    We may amend this privacy policy from time to time to ensure it remains up-to-date and continues to reflect how and why we use your personal data. The current version of our privacy policy will always be posted on our website.

    Any questions you may have in relation to this privacy policy or how we use your personal data should be sent to

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