Beyond Sacred Worlds Kerala Mural Workshop

An IT professional, a school teacher, an accountant, a mother of a 3 month old, an 8 year old girl and an 11 year old boy

Deśaj – SNA Folk and Tribal Arts Festival at the Museum Amphitheatre

At the top of the Museum hill lies nestled a most beautiful Open Air Amphitheatre, that for 3 evenings, became the venue for a brilliant display of the folk and tribal forms of our country.

Vijayadashami Celebrations for the Museum Academy students

Ever since the Music, Art and Dance Academies were started in 2013, we have had an enthusiastic bunch of parents bring their children to the museum on weekends for their classes.

KOO CHUK CHUK : The Tales of Mullah Naser ud-Din

At the Kerala Museum, we believe that the community as a whole will benefit from children who grow up to be responsible citizens of their locality.

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