JANAL Events at
Kerala Museum October 2024!
🗓 -05/10/24 – പമ്പ മുതൽ പെരിയാർ വരെ – സംസ്കാരം നദീതടങ്ങളിലൂടെ
(From Pamba to Periyar – Riverine Cultures) by Pallikkonam Rajeev, Senior Designer, Balarama & State General Secretary, Kerala Centre for Local History & Heritage Studies
🗓 – 19/10/24 – പാരമ്പര്യം, ആധുനികത, നിർവാഹകത്വം: കേരളത്തിലെ മുസ്ലിം സ്ത്രീ ഇടപെടലുകൾ (Tradition & Modernity: The Multiple Roles of Kerala Muslim Women) by Shamshad Hussain, Author & Lecturer
Janal for Young Adults
🗓 – 18/10/24 – കാലത്തിലൂടെ ഒരു യാത്ര: നമ്മെ നാമാക്കിയ കഥകൾ (Journey Through Time: The Tales That Shaped Us) by Dr Mythri P. U., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Distance Education, University of Calicut
The JANAL Lecture Series, presented by Kerala Museum with the support of @geojitfinancial and the Geojit Foundation, excavates the rich tapestry of Kerala’s past, providing a nuanced understanding of its evolution and the interconnectedness between its cultural heritage, societal dynamics, political developments, and environmental transformations.
JANAL talks are designed to be interactive. They bring together academicians, research scholars, students and history enthusiasts, making academic pursuits in history accessible to all.
To Register: Call/Text Kerala Museum at 8129051881 ☎